Avocado How-To

How-To Glossary

Welcome to the Avocados From Mexico
How-To Glossary, your source of
education for all things avocado. Here
you'll learn everything from picking the
perfect avocado to enjoying it with your
meal. Dig in!

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  • Avocado 101
  • Avocado Versatility
  • Avocado Preservation
  • Avocado Fun
  • Planting an Avocado Tree
  • Preparation
  • Recipes
  • Diets

Avocado 101

How to Ripen an Avocado


Lack ripe avocados for your favorite guacamole? Don’t despair! Here are three ways to ripen an avocado quickly.

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How to Store Half an Avocado


Don’t let a good avocado go to waste. We’ll show you how to save half an avocado for up to three days.

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How to Eat Avocados


The culinary possibilities are endless with avocado. We’ll show you how to eat avocado eight different ways.

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How to Tell if an Avocado Is Ripe


Picking a perfectly ripe avocado is an art — but it shouldn’t be a secret! Look for these three traits.

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How to Slow Down Avocado Ripening


Buy more avocados than you need? Happens to the best of us. Here’s how to slow down the ripening process.

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How to Cut, Slice, and Dice an Avocado


There’s a right way to peel, cut, slice, and dice an avocado. Click here for a few quick tips.

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How to Wash an Avocado


Always wash your produce when you bring it home. Learn how to wash an avocado in four easy steps.

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How to Grill an Avocado


Think outside the guacamole bowl for your next gathering. Here’s how to grill an avocado, from prep to plate.

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How to Keep Guacamole From Turning Brown


Even the freshest guacamole will start to darken if left out too long. Here’s how to keep guacamole from browning.

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How to Buy Avocados


Picking the perfect avocado doesn’t have to feel like playing the lottery. Here’s what to look for when buying an avocado.

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How to Store Avocados


If you’re full on avocados now, save the rest for later. We’ll show you how to store avocados for two to three days.

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Avocado Versatility

How to Make an Avocado Hair Mask


Add moisture and softness to your mane with an avocado hair mask. In a large bowl, mix half of a ripe avocado with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and 2 tablespoons of honey. Work the mixture into your hair and then let it sit for an hour.

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How to Measure Iron in Avocado


There is 0.3 mg of iron in one-third of a medium avocado. That’s 2% of the daily value (DV) of iron. Nutrient-rich avocados contain nearly 20 vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. Learn more about the benefits of avocado here.

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How to Remove Avocado Stains


You can get avocado out of clothes by gently rubbing liquid laundry detergent on the stained area. Let the detergent sit for five minutes, then soak the fabric in cold water for 15 minutes. Rinse and repeat until the stain is gone. Click here for more avocado hacks.

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How to Make Avocado Baby Food


Avocado’s creamy texture makes it an excellent transitionary food for growing babies. Prepare avocado for your baby by cutting it lengthwise, removing the pit, and scooping the green goodness into a bowl. Mash it with a fork until smooth and serve — don’t forget a bib!

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How to Give Avocado to a Baby as Their First Food


Avocados make a great transitionary food for infants older than 6 months, thanks to the fruit’s nutrient-dense composition, creamy texture, and neutral flavor. After consulting your physician about starting your baby on a new food, try pulverizing avocado with breast milk or formula in a blender or food processor to achieve an avocado puree with a whip-like consistency your baby will love. Don’t be surprised if their first word is “avocado”!

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How to Eat Avocado During Pregnancy


Congratulations! You get to eat avocado for two! Expectant mothers will be happy to learn that avocados are a good source of folate, a nutrient that is fundamental for pregnant women. Try a dairy-free berry avocado smoothie that’s deliciously smooth and easy to make.

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How to Make an Avocado Mask


You can turn a ripe avocado into a luxurious at-home face mask by blending 1/4 of an avocado and 2 teaspoons of honey in a food processor. Apply the mixture to your face and relax. Rinse after 10 minutes.(Then use the rest of the avocado to make a tasty snack for your at-home spa night!)

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How to Use Avocado Seed in Shampoo


In a pot, bring 6 cups of water and 3 grated avocado seeds to a boil. Let simmer for 30 minutes before straining it into a bowl to cool. Pour 3 cups into a bottle with 1/4 cup of your favorite shampoo.

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Avocado Preservation

How to Know if an Avocado Is Bad


You’ll know when an avocado is bad if it has a sour, rancid smell or a mushy texture. A brown or moldy interior also signals that an avocado has gone bad. A good avocado will boast a specific color, texture, and firmness.

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How to Tell if an Avocado Is Rotten


A rotten avocado is easy to spot: The telltale signs are soft, dented skin; a blackened color; and a sour or chemical-like smell. You can delay ripening by storing your avocados in the refrigerator for two to three days.

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How to Keep an Avocado from Turning Black


Keep an opened avocado from turning black with a plastic wrap seal or by brushing the flesh with olive oil or lemon juice. You can store avocados in the refrigerator for at least two or three days before they start to go bad.

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How to Keep Unused Avocado Fresh


Whole, ripe avocados will keep fresh in the refrigerator for two to three days. If you’ve already cut into your avocado, save the half you want by brushing it with lemon juice, wrapping it in plastic, and placing it in the fridge.

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How to Keep Avocado Slices Green


Once you’ve sliced an avocado, the countdown to brown is on. Keep avocado slices green by coating them in lemon or lime juice, wrapping them in plastic, and storing them in the refrigerator for the next day.

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Avocado Fun

How to Draw an Avocado


Lightly sketch the avocado’s outline. (Think about a lightbulb or pear shape.) Add a small circle at the top for the stem. Draw a thin border at the exterior of the outline for the peel, then add a circle in the center for the pit. Shade, color, and put it on the fridge! Click here for more fun things to do with avocados.

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How to Use the Avocado Seed


Save the avocado seed! Drop it in guacamole for a sustained green, or grind it up for a unique mole sauce. It can also be used as a facial scrub or a natural dye. For anyone with a green thumb and some patience, use a leftover avocado pit to grow your own avocado tree.

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How to Dry Avocado Seed


After cutting the avocado open lengthwise, scoop out the seed with a spoon. Wash it under cool running water, gently wiping off the avocado meat. Dry the seed in direct sunlight for three days or bake it in the oven at 200°F for two hours.

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How to Make Avocado Dye


Avocado dye comes out pink, not green, but it looks lovely. To make it, just cut an avocado seed into chunks and throw the pieces and leftover skins into a large pot to boil. Put your fabric (clothes, blankets, canvas bags, or shoes) into the pot until it has reached your desired coloration. Remove and allow to air-dry.

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How to Dye Clothes with Avocado


To dye with avocado, boil the avocado pits in enough water to cover the fabric you’re coloring. Reduce to a simmer for 30-60 minutes, until you see a reddish-pink shade. (Add more pits to create a darker hue.) Maintaining the simmer, remove the pits and add the fabric to the water. Soak for 10 minutes, then remove and let dry.

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How to Dye Paper with Avocado


You can boil avocado pits and skins in a large pot of water to create an avocado dye that’s a lovely shade of (surprise!) pink. The longer you boil, the deeper the color. Then, dip cardstock or construction paper inside the pot for all-over color. You can also apply the mixture to paper with a paintbrush as a watercolor technique.

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How to Say “Avocado” in Spanish


The Spanish word for “avocado” is aguacate and is pronounced “AH-gua-CAH-te.” South Central Mexico is considered to be the motherland of aguacates, where ancient Aztecs discovered avocados more than 10,000 years ago!

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Planting an Avocado Tree

How to Plant an Avocado Seed


Once the top of the pit sprouts, plant the avocados seed in an 8- to 10-inch diameter container with a coarse, well-drained potting mix. Leave the upper half of the seed exposed. For optimal sunlight, plant the avocado pit between March and June. It may take a few years for your tree to bear fruit, so be patient!

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How to Plant an Avocado Tree


The months between March and June are the ideal time to plant an avocado tree’s root ball. Avocado trees grow best in areas with direct sunlight, low wind exposure, and well-drained soil with a pH between 6 and 6.5. You can follow this guide to sprout your own avocado pit and get started.

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How to Plant an Avocado Seed in Dirt


It’s time to plant an avocado seed in dirt once the pit has sprouted and the stem is approximately 6 inches long. Prune it and — when the stem’s leaves return — plant the seed, half-exposed, in a pot with an 8-to10-inch diameter, filled with rich humus soil.

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How to Plant an Avocado in Water


Stick three or four toothpicks around an avocado pit. Position them about a third of the way down the pit. Submerge the broad end of the avocado pit in a jar filled with water, with the upper end above water. Set the jar on a windowsill in direct sunlight until your pit sprouts. It might take up to six weeks for a stem to emerge.

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How to Plant an Avocado Seed Indoors


You can sprout an avocado seed indoors by placing toothpicks around an avocado pit and immersing the lower half in a water-filled jar. Set the jar in a warm, sunny spot in your home, like on a windowsill. Once the pit sprouts, prepare to plant it in a pot.

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How to Sprout an Avocado Seed Without Toothpicks


If the toothpick method of planting an avocado tree isn’t working for you, submerge an avocado pit in water overnight. The next day, peel the seed and return it to the water. Once there’s a 1-centimeter crack around the seed, plant the seed in a pot of rich humus soil.

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How to Get an Avocado to Sprout


The most common way to get an avocado to sprout is to stick a few toothpicks around the pit and soak the lower half in water. Place the submerged pit in a sunny area. Expect a sprout in two to six weeks.

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How to Plant an Avocado Seed That Has Sprouted


Once your avocado seed has sprouted, plant it in a pot with an 8- to 10-inch diameter with a coarse, well-drained potting mix of rich humus soil. Half of the seed should be exposed. For best results, plant the avocado seed in direct sunlight.

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How to Take Care of an Avocado Tree


Fertilizer, frequent watering, and pruning are vital to taking care of an avocado tree. Surround the base with a 6-inch layer of organic mulch. Water two or three times a week and carefully remove dead or diseased parts as needed.

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How to Identify an Avocado Tree


You can easily identify an avocado tree by its glossy leaves with alternating dark-green shades and lighter-green veins. Avocado trees are mostly grown in locations with moderate temperatures and can grow to be 60 feet tall and 35 feet wide.

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How to Graft an Avocado Tree


Graft an avocado tree by vertically splitting the rootstock’s center. Insert one or two branches with a few buds. Secure the rootstock in sphagnum moss. The temperature should be approximately 80 degrees, while the branches should remain cool. Learn more about grafting avocado trees here.

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How to Trim an Avocado Tree


Trim an avocado tree with a steady hand, as over- or under-pruning can be harmful. Be strategic with each prune, sanitizing your tools beforehand and selectively removing only dead, diseased, or damaged parts to maintain the tree’s balance. Remove any branches that are withered, have rotted, or look to be infected by insects.

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How to Transplant an Avocado Tree


Moving an avocado tree from pot to the earth is tricky, but it can be done. In the new location, dig a hole three times the size of the root ball. Break up the dirt and replace it loosely. Dig another root ball-sized hole within the larger hole and transplant your avocado tree to the new hole. Fill the gaps with native soil and pack it gently against the roots.

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How to Get an Avocado Tree to Bear Fruit


A well-watered and fertilized avocado tree will bear fruit, but it may take two or three years before your tree yields any results. Water your tree two or three times a week to make sure it reaches the roots. Invest in nitrogen-rich fertilizer between late winter and early spring and again in early summer.

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How to Shade an Avocado Tree


Direct sunlight is important for the growth of an avocado tree, but too much sun can cause heat damage to the bark. Shade your avocado trees by coating the branches in diluted white latex paint or create a light canopy out of shade cloth. It’s especially important to provide shade to young trees.

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How to Prepare Avocado


Cut the avocado in half, lengthwise, around the seed. Twist both halves in opposite directions to separate. Tap a knife into the seed and twist to remove. Slice the flesh inside the skin and scrape it out with a spoon. Nice work! You’re halfway to guacamole.

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How to Peel an Avocado


Cut a ripe avocado in half, lengthwise, around the seed. Twist the halves and pull them apart. Remove the seed with a spoon. Then, peel back the edges of the skin to reveal the soft flesh inside, ready to be sliced and diced.

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How to Slice an Avocado


It is easiest to slice avocado inside the skin. Cut the avocado in half around the pit and remove the seed. Then, slice into the flesh lengthwise, being careful to not pierce the skin. Scoop out the slices with a shallow spoon. To dice, cut in a crosshatch pattern.

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How to Thinly Slice an Avocado


Cut an avocado in half, lengthwise, and remove the pit. Slowly slice thin lines into the flesh with a knife or avocado slicer. Remove the creamy green slices with a spoon. Thin slices look great fanned out over the top of avocado toast and wrapped around sushi — yum!

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How to Use an Avocado Slicer


Avocado slicers crank your chef presentation up to 11 and save time when making big batches of guacamole on game day. Gently press the avocado slicer into the base of a face up avocado, all the way down to the flesh. Gently drag it through the avocado to scoop out that green goodness.

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How to Dice an Avocado


Like slicing avocados, dicing avocados is easy. Halve the avocado by cutting, lengthwise, around the seed. Twist the halves apart. Remove the seed with a spoon. Then, cut a grid into the avocado without piercing the skin. Scoop out the cubed pieces with a spoon. (Go on, eat a few — no one will notice!)

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How to Mash Avocado


Buttery-soft Hass avocados are perfect for spreads like avocado blue cheese mash. Simply scoop chunks of avocado into a bowl. For a chunky texture, mash with a fork. To go smooth, try a potato masher.

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How to Remove an Avocado’s Pit


Most avocado users gently whack the pit with a sharp knife, embedding the blade slightly in the seed and twisting to release it from the flesh. Others might prefer to gently burrow a spoon along the sides of the pit to scoop it out. Then get to slicing and dicing!

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How to Handle Avocado


Safety first! Wash avocados before preparing them to prevent the transfer of bacteria when you cut into the skin with a knife. Rinse your avocado with cold water, scrubbing gently —no soap required.

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How to Spread Avocado


If toast is your canvas and ripe avocado is the paint, your brush is a fork (or spoon). Unlike jams or jellies, avocado has a thick texture that will keep its shape. Swirl smooth grooves into avocado toast with the back of a spoon. Rake a fork over the top for a rustic look.

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How to Spice Up Avocado


For straight avocado, try drizzling Louisiana-style hot sauce or sriracha across the slices. For a dip, why not add jalapeño or cayenne pepper? For some Asian-inspired spice, mix up your avocado with wasabi or spicy curries that will take your taste buds to new heights.

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How to Bake Avocado


Avocados are just as delicious baked as they are in guacamole. Surprised? Once you remove the pit, avocados have a convenient hole to fill with your favorite ingredients and bake in the oven. For breakfast, nestle an egg inside to make baked avocado egg boats. For lunch, try Picode Gallo or shrimp and parmesan cheese.

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How to Cook Avocado


The kitchen’s the limit! Fry avocados on the stove or bake avocado halves in the oven with an egg and queso fresco on top. You can even cook avocado ceviche by using acidic fruit juices.

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How to Fry Avocado


It might sound strange, but don’t knock it till you’ve fried it. Fry your avocados tempura-style with a flour batter and cooking oil over the stove. Or get that golden-fried crunch without oil by air-frying avocado wedges — crispy on the outside, melty on the inside! Serve your fried avocado with chipotle mayo, sriracha, or ranch dressing.

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How to Dehydrate Avocado


Set your food dehydrator between 135°F and 140°F. Marinate thin slices of avocado in a bowl of lime juice to prevent browning. Arrange the slices on the dehydrator tray and let sit for eight to 10 hours. Cool and properly store in an airtight container.

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How to Puree Avocado


Place your avocado and accompanying ingredients into a blender or food processor and pulse to the desired texture. Avocados are naturally creamy and smooth, so it doesn’t take a lot to blend them into a decadent avocado mousse or layered smoothie. Pureed avocado also makes a great transitionary food for infants and toddlers.

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How to Eat Avocado if You Don’t Like It


There is an avocado recipe out there for everyone. Start small by sneaking avocado into your favorite recipes or by blending avocado into a milkshake or smoothie. Slip thin slices of avocado into a pulled pork burrito or a shrimp wrap for lunch. Avocado fits seamlessly into most salads as well.

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How to Buy Avocados Online


You can buy Avocados From Mexico online all year-round (they’re always in season!) to have them delivered right to your door through a third-party retailer. Buy one, two, or a whole bag. It’s the next best thing to having an orchard in your living room.

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How to Pack Avocado for School Lunch


It’s easy to pack avocado into your child’s lunchbox. First, cut or slice the avocado into a manageable shape and size. Spritz with olive oil or lemon juice to keep them fresh and store in a plastic bag. Fit even more avocado into your child’s lunch with these school-lunch recipes.

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How to Plate Avocado


Avocado is always a beautiful sight to behold, but here are a few ways to elevate your avocado plating skills. Choose a plate fitting for your occasion (patio wares for a barbecue, china for holidays). Go with a large plate to reduce crowding. Cut your avocado into thin slices and spread into a fan. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, or chili flakes and adorn with colorful berries and edible flowers.

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How to Eat Avocado for the First Time


If you’ve never enjoyed an avocado before, today is a celebratory occasion. Choose a ripe avocado for optimal flavor and texture and learn the correct way to safely slice or dice avocado. Try your hand at this classic Mexican guacamole recipe or use mashed avocado as a topping for crispy beef tacos, both great options for a first-timer.


How to Make Avocado Dip


So many avocado dips, never enough chips! Be a game day hero by bringing this spicy seven-layer dip to the table. Avocado bean dip should also do the trick. Monster dip, made with pumpkin and chili powder, is a frighteningly good appetizer for the fall.

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How to Make Avocado Spread


Creamy avocados spread seamlessly over burgers, sandwiches, toast, and more. Spread some love on your next deli-meat sandwich with avocado dijonnaise spread, or spruce up a BLT with garlic avocado aioli. Grilling hot dogs? Smear sriracha avocado spread on the bun.

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How to Make Avocado Ice Cream


I scream, you scream, we all scream for avocado ice cream! Sweeten your day with rich and creamy tropical avocado “nice” cream, made with coconut milk. Get double the green with a scoop (or two) of avocado and pistachio ice cream. Top with chocolate syrup and sprinkles.

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How to Make Avocado Ice Cream Keto-Friendly


Avocados are keto-friendly: One serving of avocado has 4 grams of carbohydrates, with 3 grams of fiber. Make this avocado “nice” cream more keto-friendly by omitting the banana and pineapple.

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How to Make Avocado Dressing


Your salad isn’t dressed without avocado! Make your own simple spicy ranch avocado dressing to drizzle over a bed of greens. Liven up fruit salad with avocado coconut lime dressing. Savory pasta salads are well suited for pesto avocado dressing.

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How to Make Avocado Crema


The basic ingredients for avocado crema are Avocados From Mexico, salt, lime juice, and sour cream, blended to a whip. Experiment with complementary flavors, like this cilantro-lime avocado crema with elotes or this halibut with avo-cumin crema, which calls for chardonnay.

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How to Make Avocado Butter


Blending butter with mashed avocado is all it takes to make avocado butter, but we’ve got recipes to take it to a new level. Spread avocado hot honey butter on fresh biscuits for breakfast. Your loved ones will go bananas for this avocado banana bread French toast with avocado honey butter. But the show’s not really over until you make a buttery avocado popcorn.

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How to Cook an Egg in an Avocado


Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey! To bake avocado egg boats, first cut your avocado long ways around the pit and separate the halves. Gently but firmly, strike your knife into the pit and twist to remove. Squeeze lime juice on top and pour egg yolks into the holes where the pit used to be. Bake for 15 minutes at 425°F.

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How to Season an Avocado


Avocados don’t require much seasoning—a pinch of salt will do — but perusing the spice rack can lead to tasty discoveries. Sprinkle cumin, paprika, ground oregano, or ranch seasoning on top. For some extra flavor, drizzle avocado slices with kitchen staples like balsamic vinegar, olive oil, or lemon juice.

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How to Season Avocado Spread


Premixing homemade avocado seasonings is easy, and it saves you time in the kitchen. Guacamole and taco seasonings contain classic Mexican flavors, while chili seasoning provides the rustic flavors of the American South. But don’t stop there — take a trip around the globe with Italian herb seasoning or garam masala spices.

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How to Season Avocado Toast


Seasoning for avocado toast can be as simple as salt and pepper, but why stop there? Try sprinkling it with some cayenne pepper, tossing a dash of everything bagel seasoning or grinding fresh oregano. If it’s in your spice cupboard, it’ll taste great with avocado — it goes with everything!

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How to Season Avocado for Guacamole


Like life, guacamole is what you make it. Premix guacamole seasonings so you can later whip up a unique batch in minutes. Ranch guacamole is a refreshing choice for a summer picnic, while chipotle guacamole turns up the heat!

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How to Make Guacamole with One Avocado


For a small portion of guacamole, mash a single avocado with a spritz of lime juice and a dash of salt. Most guacamole recipes call for more than one avocado, but you can easily adjust the recipe to fit a single avocado. If it calls for two avocados, for instance, simply halve the entire recipe.

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How to Make Avocado Sauce


Avocado sauce contains avocados, lime juice, and salt (the same basic ingredients in guacamole) with the addition of two thinning agents: oil and water. Puree all ingredients in a blender and pour over Polenta Eggs Benedict for breakfast or zucchini noodles for dinner.

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How to Make Avocado Fries


Cook up a batch of air-fried avocado fries with chipotle mayo to get your oil-free fry fix. Dip avocado slices into a batter of breadcrumbs, flour, eggs, salt, and pepper. Air fry at 400°F for about 10 minutes and whip up the chipotle mayo while you wait.

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How to Make Avocado Mayo


Avocado mayo is made by combining avocado, lime juice, salt, and a drizzle of olive oil, then blending until smooth. For spicy mayo, add jalapeño slices. The result is a fresh, creamy, and brilliant green spread that can brighten any potato salad, coleslaw, or batch of deviled eggs.

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How to Eat Avocado for Breakfast


Get a head start on a great day with avocados for breakfast. Avocados are delectable in mini quiches and blended into fruit smoothies. Thinking breakfast in bed? Try this gingerbread-spiced avocado nut bread served with honey and a cup of coffee.

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How to Eat a Plain Avocado


Ripe, raw avocado is creamy, buttery, and has a unique flavor. Like any fruit, it’s delicious all on its own. Slice or dice your avocado carefully inside the skin and scoop out each nutty, green bite with a spoon. Add a sprinkle of salt or pepper to accentuate the taste.

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How to Cook Avocado Indian Style


There’s a world of avocado recipes to try. Turn your breakfast into a fragrant and filling affair with this Indian-style scrambled egg chapati wrap with avocado chutney. Come snack time, you’ll get a kick out of this Indian guacamole, made with chickpeas, or this green curry guac that features currants and coconut.

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How to Make Avocado Toast Taste Better


There are infinite flavor profiles for avocado toast— all you need is bread, avocado, and some creativity. Craving something tropical? Mango and jalapeños make your toast taste like a getaway. Feeling garden fresh? Just add tomato slices, basil, mozzarella pearls, and balsamic dressing.

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How to Make Avocado Pickles


Avocado pickles are as cool as a cucumber. Combine vinegar, water, sugar, and salt in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Set aside to cool. Fill a Mason jar with slices of underripe avocados and your preferred seasonings (cilantro, garlic, etc.). Pour the liquid over the top and store in the fridge for up to one month.

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How to Make an Avocado Drink


Avocados easily melt into your favorite beverages. Blend an avocado into your morning smoothie or breakfast shake. Feeling indulgent? The creamy texture of avocado is perfect in avocado ginger lassi drinks and avocado coffee milkshakes. And when it’s five o’guac somewhere, that means it’s time for an avocado margarita!

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How to Incorporate Avocado Into Meals


From breakfast to midnight snack, it’s always time for avocado! Start your day off right with sweet or savory avocado toast. Then, smear creamy guacamole spreads onto your burger or sandwich at lunch. Come dinnertime, try adding avocado on top of roasted fish or inside a burrito bowl.

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How to Make Avocado Salsa


There are two varieties of avocado salsa. One is the happy dance you make after eating a perfectly ripe, creamy avocado. The second is made by mixing avocado, tomato, lime juice, cilantro, and salt. For a sweet twist, try our avocado and tropical fruit salsa. Avocado salsa is a delicious complement to a Mexican omelet or spicy shrimp tacos.

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How to Make Avocado Salad Dressing


A fresh, green salad calls for a fresh, green dressing, don’t you think? Avocado’s creamy texture and delightful, nutty taste improve upon virtually any dressing recipe. Try avocado in our take on green goddess dressing (it’s vegan!) or in our recipe for spicy ranch dressing. We’ve got no shortage of delicious avocado salad dressing recipes.

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How to make Avocado Egg Rolls


Golden and crispy outside, buttery-soft avocado and savory bacon on the inside: That’s the payoff for baking homemade bacon avocado egg rolls. Customize the filling to your liking with avocado, tomato, bacon, chicken, cilantro— your imagination is the limit! Just make sure you can fold your ingredients into the wrapper before popping your avocado egg rolls into the oven.

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How to Make Avocado Pudding


Nothing says “heaven” like avocados and chocolate. The creamy texture of avocado is a perfect match for gelatinous, sweet pudding. Satisfy your inner chocoholic with vegan dark chocolate mocha avocado pudding. A sprinkle of nuts and toasted coconut on top make a great final touch in this avocado and pistachio pudding.

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How to Make Avocado Lime Ranch Dressing


Avocado lime ranch dressing is a fantastic sandwich spread, salad dressing, and dip for veggies, wings, and jalapeño poppers. Simply mix chunks of freshly cut avocado into a blender or food processor with liquid or powder ranch dressing. Squeeze in some lime juice and whirl into creamy swirls of deliciousness. Add water until you reach your desired consistency.

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How to Eat Avocado with Eggs


Rise and dine on avocado with eggs! Start your day off sunny-side up with breakfast guac toast. Take your taste buds on a trip down South with a steaming spoonful of grits and eggs with avocado. Or, if you’d rather opt for something gluten-free, pop these baked avocado egg boats into the oven. Check out these four guacamole and egg pairings for more breakfast inspiration.

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How to Eat Avocado for Dessert


What could be sweeter than avocado for dessert? Enjoy creamy, tart mouthfuls of lemon avocado pie. Impress dinner guests with a breathtakingly beautiful, soft, green avocado flan. Short on time? Check out our no-bake avocado coconut bites!

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How to Make Avocado Spread on Toast


The early bird gets the avocado toast! Nutty, multigrain breads complement the avocado’s creamy texture the best. While the bread toasts, mash an avocado with salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, and a squeeze of lime juice in a bowl. When the toast pops up, smear your avocado spread over top and voila! Breakfast is served.

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How to Eat Avocados on a Gluten-Free Diet


Fresh fruits are naturally gluten-free— that means avocado too! So if you’re following a gluten-free diet, go ahead and include Avocados From Mexico on your grocery list. Whisk together some flourless avocado pancakes for breakfast. Avocado pineapple salad and avocado mango lettuce wraps are sweet, gluten-free options for lunch or dinner.

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How to Eat Avocados on a Kosher Diet


Avocados From Mexico are Kosher because they don’t contain milk or meat products. So if you follow a Kosher diet, don’t worry — avocados are versatile enough to fit into just about any Kosher meal of the day. Try an avocado and smoked salmon bagel for breakfast. Top a fresh salad, tacos, or a deli sandwich with avocado at lunch.

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How to Eat Avocados on the Mediterranean Diet


The Mediterranean diet is inspired by the cuisine of cultures bordering the Mediterranean Sea. There are several varieties of this diet, but it typically prioritizes seafood and fruits—like avocado! Start your day with an avocado breakfast shake. At lunchtime, whip up an egg and avocado chicken salad. Treat yourself after dinner (or anytime, really) to berry avocado chocolate mousse.

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How to Eat Avocados on a Paleo Diet


The paleo diet allows fruits our ancestors would have eaten before modern agriculture, including avocado. Get your day going with paleo baked avocado eggs. Refuel at lunch with an avocado beet salad. And don’t forget to hunt and gather the ingredients for avocado with roasted fish!

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How to Eat Avocados on the Plant Based Diet


If you’re on a plant-based diet, your diet consists of one of Mother Nature’s best — which means avocado! Wake up on the right side of breakfast with mango, lime, and avocado toast. For lunch or dinner, pair avocado with a beet salad or a quinoa bowl.

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How to Make Fruit Salad with Avocado


Avocado is a very special fruit and plays well with others in terms of taste and texture. There’s no wrong combination of fruits for an avocado fruit salad! Go sweet with grapefruit slices or tart with apple, pineapple, or cherry. Add some more greens in this fruit spinach salad. Maximize the sweetness with a sprinkle of berries and a drizzle of coconut lime dressing or whipped cream on top.

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