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3 Ways You Can Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth With Fruit

Incorporating Foods With No Added Sugar Into Your Meals

Maintaining an overall healthy eating regimen can pose a challenge, especially with an abundance of tempting treats so readily available.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends limiting the calories from added sugars in your diet to no more than 10% daily — that’s 200 calories or fewer in a 2,000-calorie diet. Replacing foods and drinks high in added sugar with healthier options, like fruits, can help limit your added-sugar intake.

As a food with no added sugars, avocados offer a versatile fruit option that can be incorporated into a variety of eating styles. A serving of avocado — 1/3 of a medium-sized avocado or 50g.

No matter how you choose to work toward limiting your added-sugar intake, talk to your doctor before trying any of these tips. He or she can help discuss how to find a healthy eating pattern that works for you.

Let’s take a look at three tips for incorporating foods with no added sugars, like avocados, into your diet to reduce your added-sugar intake.

Related: Read about four other avocado health benefits.

3 Ways You Can Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth With Avocados

Pair with Proteins

Ensuring that savory meals are low in added sugar can be an easy way to limit your total added-sugar intake. The creamy texture and mild flavor of avocado make it a perfect protein pairing that contributes no added sugar to a meal. Try eating avocado with simply prepared protein options as an alternative to typical condiments.

In a Blended Breakfast

Making healthy choices at breakfast can help set a low-sugar tone for the day. Opt for simple avocado smoothies — featuring veggies, milk, avocado, and fruit — in the morning as an alternative to sweetened cereals and flavored yogurts.

Featured With Other Fruits

Choosing the naturally occurring sugars in fruits over the added sugar in dessert foods can provide an alternative that still satisfies your sweet tooth. Pair avocado with sliced fruit or berries next time you crave a sweet treat.

Visit our avocado nutrition page to learn more about the nutrients found in avocados.

By Avocados From Mexico March 31, 2020

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