Cooking Ideas

How to Craft the Ultimate Avocado Cheese Board

If you need snacks to pair with pre-dinner party drinks, a cheese board is a guaranteed crowd pleaser. Avocado complements the classic components of a charcuterie board and provides color that enhances presentation. It also contrasts well with sharp, aged cheese or highlights the flavors in smooth, mellow varieties.

Get ready to receive appetizer accolades with these globally inspired cheese board ideas that feature the green goodness of Avocados From Mexico.

A Cheese Board that is Très Bien!

Draw inspiration from France for this meat-and-cheese board that’s an absolute beauty, especially when served with sparkling wine or a clean Chenin blanc.

A ripe wedge of French Brie, Époisses, or Camembert works wonders when paired with thinly sliced, ripe avocado slivers. You’ll also get loads of complementary mileage with a bunch of fresh, green grapes, an herbed, tangy chèvre, and cucumber spears. Grill an olive-oil-brushed baguette cut into rounds to add crunch and include French olives.

¡Vamos a España!

Take your guests on a Spanish journey with slices of aged Manchego or Ibérico cheese from the country’s dry, central region. Then, color outside the lines with Payoyo from Cádiz in the country’s south. Pair with lightly glazed tortas de aceite: crunchy, thin, cracker-like rounds that you can find in many specialty grocery stores.

To amplify the color and texture of your board, add thin slices of dried Catalan sausage called fuet, dried, paprika-laced chorizo, jamón Serrano, cherry tomatoes, buttery arbequina olives, and dried figs. Try layering avocado slices on a torta with a slice of Ibérico and a round of fuet to make your own montadito, or open-faced sandwich. Serve alongside chilled cava or a dry manzanilla from Sanlúcar.

Per Chance, a British Blue

If you’d prefer some tried-and-true British favorites, grab a wedge of Stilton — a mature, crumbly cheddar — or some Shropshire Blue to pair with juicy apple and pear slices, avocado slivers, and oat or water crackers. The adventurous host can serve toasted slices of sourdough brushed with butter and create a spread by mashing avocado in with cooked green peas. Layer the spread on the sourdough slices and top with crumbled cheese before you place them under the broiler. Serve these gooey, open-faced goodies on a platter.

Have pickle spears, dry-roasted walnut morsels, slices of smoked ham or roast beef, and grainy mustard on hand, and serve it all alongside a pint of Porter or a British Stout.

For more avocado appetizer recipes, visit our recipe archive here.

By Avocados From Mexico March 11, 2019

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