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Cooking Ideas

Jingle All Day With Fresh Breakfast Options

With shopping, gift-wrapping, and holiday cooking and baking, it’s that time of year where you might not sit down for the entire day. In other words, what you need is a hearty breakfast to keep your energy as high as your holiday spirit. That’s why these avocado recipes are going to be your new best friends.


Creamy avocado makes smoothies decadent, rich, and more nutritious. For a chocolaty version, blend avocado, almond milk, unsweetened cocoa powder, maple syrup, and ice, then sip to your heart’s delight.


Toast may be the quintessential breakfast food, but it can be boring and plain. Wake it up by mashing avocado and spreading it over thick pieces of toast, scattering sea salt and lemon juice on top for extra flavor. Make it decadent by adding poached eggs, pesto, sunflower seeds, goat cheese, or crunchy apple slices.


Scramble the eggs until they’re barely set. Add salt and pepper or even a little hot sauce, and mix in diced avocado. Wrap them in tortillas with black beans and cheese, and enjoy.


Here’s another place the creamy texture of avocados wins big. Replace all but one tablespoon of butter in your buttermilk pancake batter recipe with mashed avocado and you’ll have a more nutritious version of the ultimate breakfast treat. Top with fresh fruit, syrup, or honey and then get to shopping!

Hungry for more? Here are three additional ways to add Avocados From Mexico to your breakfast routine.

By Avocados From Mexico September 23, 2016

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