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Cooking Ideas

Southwest Avocado Stuffing for Thanksgiving

You’ve got the basics covered for Thanksgiving – turkey, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole. And, of course, you can’t forget the stuffing! Give this traditional favorite a tasty twist with help from the buttery, creamy goodness of Avocados From Mexico.

The avocado stuffing features avocados, cornbread, and Mexican chorizo. And you’ll find a bonus tip and recipe to get more satiating fiber into the mix too, if you’re looking for flavorful stuffing sans guilt.

This Southwestern-inspired dish marries the flavors of jalapeño cornbread, Mexican chorizo, fire-roasted corn, and avocado.

Making the Jalapeño Cornbread

Start by making the cornbread with cornmeal, flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt, to which you’ll add buttermilk and eggs. Pop that into a greased baking dish until golden, then allow to cool before cutting into cubes.

Crafting Chorizo and Corn Components

Now, onto making the meaty component of the stuffing. Take the chorizo out of its casings and sauté until it begins to brown. Add finely chopped carrots, celery, onion, and garlic, stirring occasionally until softened. To this mixture, add the corn and cilantro, season with salt and pepper, and set aside.

The Final Touches

Toss the cubed cornbread with a blend of eggs beaten with chicken stock. Add chorizo to combine and pour into a prepared baking pan and cook until golden (approximately 25 minutes). Right before serving, blend one ripe avocado with sour cream and drizzle over the top alongside some diced avocado.

Avocado Storage Tips

You’ll likely have more than one avocado on hand, so to store them, place ripe avos in your fridge for 2-3 days to keep them fresh. If you need to ripen yours, leave them out on your countertop and within a few days, they should be ready for you to enjoy- check daily for peak ripeness. You’re looking for a little give when gentle pressure is applied. Check here for more storage tips.

And if you’ve got half an avocado and want to keep it fresh, simply submerge it in a water-filled container, cover it and place in your fridge. You’re good to for up to three days!

Bonus: Upping the Ante

Turn your stuffing into a show-stopping side by giving it personal-sized healthy vessel – acorn squashes. Half and deseed the acorn squashes, brush the inside with olive oil, and season with salt and pepper. Scoop a spoonful of this delicious stuffing into each half and bake until softened, approximately 40-50 minutes.

For a gluten-free alternative, stuff each half with vegetable broth cooked quinoa, cubed avocado, black beans, chopped jalapeño, green onion, corn, and roasted garlic.

Now, pass the gravy and enjoy an avocado stuffing your loved ones will thank you for.

By Avocados From Mexico November 07, 2018

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