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Guacamole Salad Recipes That Are Instagram Worthy

Whether you are looking to capture Instagram likes or partygoers’ compliments, perfecting the presentation of your dishes is a must. Even science suggests that the way food looks affects our perception of how it tastes. Sometimes, even a simple ingredient swap can create an eye-catching contrast that makes a dish appear more appetizing.

Versatile and vibrant, guacamole salad recipes provide impressive options that taste as good as they look. Work the dip in as a salad dressing — or swap it in for a traditional topping — to add a pop of color, texture, and flavor that neither your guests nor the camera will shy away from.

Here are five pretty salad recipes with guacamole-substitution options that are sure to bring beauty to your table — and your Instagram account.

Related: Use these food photography tips to get more Instagram likes!

5 Guacamole Salad Recipes

  1. Papaya, Guacamole, and Pineapple Salad

Substitute a scoop of Spicy Three-Pepper and Cayenne Guacamole for the avocado and vinegar in this salad and serve as a seasoned appetizer or side dish. Colorful citrus and tropical fruit create a vibrant display sure to ignite interests and whet appetites.

  1. Mexican Buddha Bowl

Spoon the guacamole recipe of your choice into the section where diced avocado would normally sit in this savory salad. Arranging each ingredient separately serves to highlight the variety of colors in this dish.

  1. Zesty Guacamole Chicken Salad in Lettuce Cups

Swap out mashed avocado and Dijon mustard for a savory guacamole featuring eye-catching ingredients — like bacon and gorgonzola cheese — to vary the textures and flavors in this salad.

  1. Fruit Spinach Salad

Remove the diced avocados and place a scoop of Guacamole atop this salad. The dip can serve as a savory dressing alternative to raspberry vinaigrette, and its creamy texture contrasts against the fruits and leafy greens in this meal.

  1. Grilled Prawn Salad with Tomatoes and Guacamole

Trade the avocado aioli sauce for Spicy Guacamole to finish this shrimp, turkey bacon, and tomato salad with a textured topping. Salad greens serve as a base, unifying the bold flavors provided by each ingredient.

Whether you decide to capture your guests’ and followers’ attention with texture or color contrasts, talk to your doctor before incorporating these salad recipes with guacamole substitutions into your diet.

Visit our guacamole recipe page for more ways to use guacamole to enhance your plates’ presentation.

By Avocados From Mexico August 30, 2019

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