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Edible Flower Garnishes for Guacamole Recipes

Edible Flower Recipes for Guacamole (6 of Our Favorites!)

Whether it is the last sprinkle of seasoning or the final olive garnish that tops a martini, a dish’s finishing touches can elevate its taste and presentation. As you plan your next group gathering, how can you make sure the details grab guests’ attention?

Edible flowers make for eye-catching guacamole garnishes that guests can both admire and eat. From herbal blooms that help create flavor continuity to brightly colored blossoms that finish recipes with citrus and spice, edible flowers pair well with endless guacamole recipes and create vibrant color contrasts sure to peak guests’ interests.

Before incorporating new foods into your diet, be sure to talk with your physician.

Try using the six edible-flower options below to garnish your guacamole recipe at your next get-together:

Savory Seasoning Complements

  • Basil. Match the basil seasonings found in pesto guac recipes with a purple flower adornment from the same herb.The beautiful basil blooms have a similar — but milder — flavor than the leaves.
  • Rosemary. Complement sundried or Roma tomato flavors with a rosemary garnish. These purple blossoms bring a mild flavor and savory scent to Italian-seasoned guacamole recipes.

FreshFruit Finish

  • Borage. Though not from the cucumber plant, borage flowers add cucumber flavor to any dish they decorate. Spruce up a cucumber guacamole recipe with indigo flowers that create flavor continuity.
  • Zucchini. Like the avocado, zucchini is a fruit often mistakenly classified as a vegetable. Its bright-orange flowers add a mellow, squash flavor to any sweet potato or chicken guac recipe.

Secondary Sprinkle of Spice

  • Marigold. Vibrant, orange marigold flowers finish any guacamole recipe on a mildly citrusy and peppery note. Bring an extra kick to spicy guacamole recipes or add a hint of heat to savory citrus-guacamole dishes.
  • Nasturtium. Subtle in neither presentation nor taste, nasturtium adds a strong pepper flavor to guacamole dishes. Give guests a grand garnish finale in already spicy guacamole recipes or create a pepper kick in subtler mixes.

Stop and Taste the Flowers

As you prepare your next party menu, stop and taste the flowers. Whether you choose to top your guacamole with the blooms from your favorite herbs, fruits, or colorful garden, edible flower garnishes are sure to add flavor and flair to any party dish’s presentation.

Visit our guacamole recipe page for more ways to feature unconventional ingredients, like edible flowers, in your dip dishes.

By Avocados From Mexico September 18, 2019

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