
Tackle Your Resolutions with Keto-Friendly Recipes

By Jackie Veling

If you’re looking to shake up your eating habits in the new year, you’re not alone. The keto eating plan — a low-carb, high-fat regimen meant to increase the body’s fat-burning capabilities — is a growing trend.

Avocados, famous for being a superfood because of their nearly 20 vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, are a great asset for keto thanks to their 6 g of good fats in one-third of a medium-sized avocado, (or 50 g) and low carbohydrate content (4 g).

Here are a few keto-friendly recipes to rev up your nutritional know-how and get you through the next 365 days.

Breakfast Basics

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and prioritizing fiber can get you off to the right start. Avocados are a good source of fiber, containing 11% of the daily value per 50 g serving. Dietary fiber adds bulk to the diet and can help you feel fuller faster, which can increase satiety and help manage weight. A simple avocado baked egg comes together fast and keeps your stomach from grumbling during long morning meetings.

Shakes are also a great way to stay fueled when you’re on-the-go. You can even combine your breakfast and your morning caffeine fix with this Indonesian-style avocado coffee shake. Just make sure to stick to non-sweetened milk if you want your drink to be keto-approved.

Lunchtime Greens

When lunchtime hunger hits, up your daily greens intake by turning to salad — and we’re not talking about just a sad bag of lettuce. Snap things up with this hearty avocado Brussel sprouts salad with pumpkin seeds or a zesty avocado chicken salad served in lettuce cups.

If you’re bringing avocados to the office, check out the best ways to store them so they’re always ripe at the perfect time.

Savory Dinner Meats

This indulgent grilled steak with avocado chimichurri sauce will make it hard to believe you’re following a diet of any kind.

And both poached chicken with pistachio sauce and smoked salmon rolls are on the plan, too. You can even cure your late-night sweet tooth by whipping up some creamy avocado mousse.

By Avocados From Mexico January 01, 2019

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