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All the
Good Nutrients
in Avocado

All the Good Nutrients in Avocado
July 22, 2024

You may have heard somewhere that avocados are good for you. Maybe you’ve been told about their good fats or the satiating fiber that avocados bring to the table. But did you know that these creamy green fruits — available year-round from Mexico — are also a natural source of more than a dozen essential vitamins, minerals, and trace elements?


These micronutrients are an essential part of every healthy diet — that’s why they’re called “vitamins,” after all. The word comes from the Latin “vita amine” because early 20th-century physicians suspected these compounds were based on vital amino acids from outside sources. We know now that these molecules are much more complex and varied, but they aren’t any less necessary than they were 100 years ago!


Are Avocados Good For You?

Absolutely! Eating avocados regularly is a great way to increase your nutrient intake. They also contain fiber and are a source of good fat. Wonder what exactly you get with your daily dose of avo goodness? Let’s look at how avocado’s nutrients help support a healthy body.


Avocado Nutrients

One serving of avocado (one-third of a medium avocado) contains:

  • Fiber 11% DV.
  • Folate 10% DV.
  • Vitamin K 10% DV.
  • Pantothenic Acid 14% DV.
  • Potassium 6% DV.
  • Copper 10% DV.
  • Niacin 6% DV.
  • Magnesium 4% DV.
  • Vitamin C 4% DV.
  • Vitamin E 6% DV.


What Are the Key Nutrients In Avocado?

Six of the eight different B complex vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B9 — are present in Hass avocados in trace amounts. You’ll get 4% DV of thiamin (B1) that you need, 8% DV of riboflavin (B2), 6% DV of niacin (B3), a whopping 14% DV of pantothenic acid (B5), 6% DV of pyridoxine (B6), and 10% DV of folate (B9).


The B vitamins have many functions, especially relating to metabolism. Thiamin is used to convert carbs to energy and plays a role in muscle contraction. Riboflavin is used to metabolize protein in the production of red blood cells and other cell growth processes, while niacin is critical for both nerve function and digestion. Pantothenic acid is required for your body to convert any food into usable energy. Pyridoxine is also used to make red blood cells during metabolism and for the proper functioning of nerves, and finally, folate is used to make DNA and other genetic material.


Don’t Forget About Good Fat

One-third of a medium avocado contains 6g of naturally good fat. The fats in avocado are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which help improve dietary fat intake without raising LDL or “bad” cholesterol levels. Fat gets a bad rap, but good fats are necessary. They help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K and are essential for normal growth and development of the central nervous system and brain. Good fats as part of a balanced diet = smart move!


Trace Nutrients in Avocado

The goodness doesn’t stop with the B vitamins! Avocados have trace amounts of vitamins C, E, and K. Vitamin C, of which one-third of an avocado will provide about 4% of your daily needs, is an antioxidant your body requires for healing and improves your absorption of iron. You’ll get 6% of your daily vitamin E, vital for a healthy immune system, and 10% of your vitamin K, required for blood clotting, bone health, and other vital body functions, including muscle growth, brain function, blood coagulation, and bone formation.


How to Eat 🥑

Avocados are good for the body — and they taste great, too! Luckily, there are endless ways to incorporate more nutrient-dense avocados into your day. Some of our favorite ways to eat avocado include:

  • Breakfast Smoothie: Start your day with a boost of the good stuff with these avocado smoothie recipes.
  • Snack: Incorporate avocados for a hunger-busting snack, whether it’s after school or a workout.
  • Main Meal: Avocados aren’t just a side attraction. Check out our recipes to level up your entrées.



Vitamins in Avocado Save the Day

Meeting your daily nutritional needs can seem complicated and overwhelming, but luckily, adding avocados to meals is an easy and tasty way to help you reach your nutritional goals. Not only does their mild taste make them a suitable addition to almost every dish, but people who eat them regularly have been shown to have a better diet overall.


Pro 🥑 Tip

If you’re trying to get your daily serving of avocado but accidentally cut into one that isn’t quite ripe, don’t throw it out! You can save your avocado by rubbing some lemon or lime on it, putting the two halves back together, wrapping the fruit in plastic wrap, and putting it back in the fridge. In a few days you’re avocado will be ripe and ready for action!



For avo tips like this and more, please visit Avocados from Mexico’s helpful “how-to” page.


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