Warm weather often sparks a desire to be close to nature: birthday parties in the backyard, guacamole picnics in the park, and avocado toast for breakfast on the patio. Unfortunately, that desire can come back to bite us — literally. Homemade avocado oil insect repellent made with essential oils can help you spend less time scratching and more time enjoying the great outdoors while the weather is nice.
Make your own DIY insect repellent in three simple steps — no harsh chemicals required! But first, as with any new product, please consult a dermatologist prior to using avocado oil insect repellent.
Essential oil blends often require a carrier oil, which acts as a diluent allowing the essential oils to be evenly and safely absorbed. Avocado oil is among the most commonly used carrier oils because it’s highly moisturizing and provides a variety of nutrients.
To extract avocado oil, begin by slicing three avocados and removing the flesh and pit. Three avocados will yield approximately 37.5 milliliters of oil: a bit over 2.5 tablespoons. For larger quantities, increase the number of avocados you use, keeping in mind that a single avocado will produce roughly 12.5 milliliters of oil. Mash the green pulp of the avocado with a mortar and pestle or food processor. Then, spread the avocado mash on a baking pan in thin layers and place in an oven at 155°F for 5 hours. This “low-and-slow” technique will dry the pulp and prepare it for oil extraction.
When the pulp is brown but not black, remove it from the oven. Use a cheesecloth to wring the dried pulp over a bowl to catch the avocado oil. Strain and restrain until there are no avocado chunks in the mixture. Once smooth, your avocado oil is ready to combine with essential oils.
Avocado oil is the edible, natural oil extracted from avocado pulp. Is it a coincidence that avocado oil has an amber hue not unlike liquid gold? We think not! Avocados are essentially the only fruit that contains monounsaturated “good” fat, which helps the body absorb various nutrients and is essential for normal growth and development of the central nervous system and brain.
Essential oils are oils extracted from an herb or flower with many purposes, from aromatherapy to natural cleaners. Those oils with bug-busting benefits generally include citronella, lemongrass, patchouli, and lavender. Depending on the insect you hope to avoid, some oils are more effective than others. Lemon, eucalyptus, and rosemary are among those that tend to target mosquitos specifically, while cedarwood oil works well against fleas and ticks.
Determine which bugs you want to send flying with this DIY insect repellent and choose the corresponding essential oils. In a spray bottle, combine 20 drops of essential oils with approximately 30 milliliters of avocado oil (2 tablespoons). The amount of each oil you choose to incorporate is up to you so long as you maintain this ratio.
Before you spray yourself head to toe, apply a few dabs of your homemade insect repellent to the underside of your arm to test for any adverse reactions to any of the ingredients. If all is well after a couple of hours, apply the insect repellent as needed, but be sure to avoid the mouth, eyes, and open wounds, as essential oils can cause sensitivity in these areas.
*As with any new product, please consult a dermatologist prior to using avocado oil insect repellent.
Avocado oil can be used to nourish skin, hair, and nails, too. DIY beauty fans love incorporating it into their regimen due to its silky texture and moisturizing properties. Here are a few ideas:
Avocado oil has a mild taste, which means it can act as a flexible base for unique and flavorful marinades and infusions. Add aromatic herbs and spices – such as rosemary, oregano, garlic, or chiles – to a Mason jar of avocado oil. Keep it sealed for several days. The longer you allow the mixture to sit, the more flavor is absorbed into the oil.
Avocado has a high smoke point, making it a preferred oil for grilling. Learn the ins and outs of cooking with avocado oil in this guide.
Using Heat to Speed up Ripening
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