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Beauty Care

DIY Avocado Body Scrub for Dry Season

Winter weather can do a number on your skin. From dry patches, itchy flakes, and cracks, this avocado body scrub can help mitigate the worst winter has to throw at you. Prior to starting or changing your in-home routine, be sure to speak with your dermatologist.

Making the Avocado Body Scrub


½ a ripe Avocado From Mexico

½ cup avocado oil

1 cup brown sugar

Essential oils or vanilla extract (optional)

Start by mashing half an avocado into a thin paste, adding oil as needed for consistency. Using a fork, combing brown sugar into the avocado paste to add the scrubbing material.

The paste works great on its own, but you can add a drop or two of lavender or chamomile essential oils or a touch of vanilla extract for its soothing fresh-cookies scent.

Using Your Avocado Body Scrub

Use the scrub on wet skin, after a short soak in a warm tub, or after a quick shower. Gently rub into your skin, paying close attention to rough areas like knees and elbows, and being especially careful on sensitive areas. Let the paste sit on your skin for 5-10 minutes, then rinse it off gently, patting dry with a towel.

If you want to plan a weekend spa day at home, you can slow your avocado ripening process, so it’s ripe just when you need it. This avocado body scrub is sure to work wonders and have everyone asking about your avo glow in the dead of winter.

By Avocados From Mexico January 08, 2019

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