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Homemade Baby Food

It’s tough being a new parent. Aside from your lack of sleep, you worry whether your little one is getting enough rest and whether they’re healthy and happy. And then there’s that other big concern: Are they eating enough nutrient-rich food?

Remember: It’s important that you consult your pediatrician before starting your baby on a new diet, and find out whether they are ready to start eating solid foods. Your pediatrician knows best!

Here’s our tips to helping your baby include some nutrient-dense, yummy baby food that you can whip up from the comfort of your home.

Avocado: The great green fruit

Why are avocados so good for you and your wee one? There are lots of reasons! First, avocados have good fats and are nutrient dense — but wait, there’s more. Avocados are fruits that are naturally free of sugar and sodium. They’re soft and creamy, making for an excellent transitionary food for babies practicing with solid foods.

The proof is in the pudding

In general, most pediatricians suggest you start out by offering babies single servings of fruits or vegetables. And we bet it won’t be a problem to get your little person to eat up a buttery, creamy avocado mash. Simply purée or mash one pitted and peeled Avocado From Mexico with a little bit of baby formula or breast milk to yield almost a cup of purée.

If your baby is interested in exploring new flavors, try mashing some ripe banana into the avocado to sweeten the deal. If you need to refrigerate any leftovers, pour a thin layer of milk or water over your purée, cover, and store. You can watch this video to ensure you’re doing it right! When you’re ready to feed it to baby, dump the liquid and enjoy! (Psst! The same storage tip applies to guacamole!)

To select a ripe avocado for making your baby’s avo purée, look for skin that’s dark green to nearly black, bumpy in texture, and yields to pressure when you give it a gentle squeeze — without feeling mushy. If you’re more of a visual learner, you can click this link to watch the video! And just like that, you’re set for whenever baby’s mealtime hits, with something that ticks all the boxes for fast, easy, delicious, and nutritious!

By Avocados From Mexico March 07, 2018

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