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Debunking 8 Avocado Myths

Debunking 8 Avocado Myths
April 2, 2018

The fruit, the myth, the legend. The avocado can be as mysterious as it is delicious — an unusual shape, alligator-like skin, and bright green flesh don’t help! There are many fallacies that follow the avocado: “Do avocado pits in guacamole help keep it green?” “Are avocados fattening?” “Does eating too many avocados cause constipation?” And so on.

Listen. We know you’re looking for the truth, but the internet is big and full of misinformation. So let’s bust some common avocado myths to help you clear the air.

Avocado Myth #1: Pits keep guacamole green.

Sure, this sounds like a neat party trick. But sadly, it isn’t true. Over time, guacamole exposed to air will oxidize and turn brown. The same goes for cut avocados. A squeeze of lime will help if you need to keep your guacamole for a little while. But for a longer wait, pour a small amount of water or milk on top of your guac — just enough to cover the surface — and keep it in the refrigerator. When you’re ready to eat it, pour off the liquid and serve. Trust us; it works!

Avocado Myth #2: Avocados cause constipation.

Avocados are actually a good source of dietary fiber, your digestive system’s best friend. Eating one serving of avocado (a third of a medium fruit) will give you 3 grams of dietary fiber — 11% of the recommended daily intake. Bottom line: Eating avocados on a regular basis can be a good way to help keep things moving along.

Avocado Myth #3: Avocados are fattening.

Compared with other fruits, avocados do contain a lot of fat, but that doesn’t mean they’re “fattening.” When it comes to avocados, “fat” is a GOOD word. That’s because the vast majority of fat in avocados is good fat, which helps increase the intake of dietary fat without raising bad cholesterol levels. If anything, you should add more avocados to your daily food routine.

Putting the ‘Super’ in ‘Superfood’

The good fats in avocado help the body absorb certain nutrients, like vitamins A, D, E, and K. Avocados provide 6 grams of unsaturated fat per serving (50g), plus nearly 20 vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. That’s a lot of goodness! If that’s not super, we don’t know what is.

Avocado Myth #4: You shouldn’t eat avocados every day.

Avocados are a goooood addition to any healthy diet. The versatile green fruit has it all: good fats; nearly 20 vitamins, minerals, and nutrients; beneficial plant compounds; a great flavor and creamy texture. In fact, here are some tips for meal planning with avocados for the whole week.

Avocado Myth #5: You can freeze avocados.

OK, so you can freeze avocados. But why would you? Despite what you might have heard or read, avocados lose some of their goodness when they’ve been frozen and thawed. This is a classic case of just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. Instead, go fresh. You won’t regret it.

Avocado Myth #6: Babies shouldn’t have avocados.

On the contrary! Avocado’s creamy texture and neutral flavor make it a great “first food” for infants older than 6 months. Even better, a nutrient-dense composition elevates the fruit’s green goodness. The easiest way to ease avocado into a baby’s diet is through a simple avocado puree. (You can get between 6 and 8 ounces out of a medium avocado mixed with formula, breastmilk, or water.) Of course, talk to your pediatrician before giving your baby transitionary foods.

Avocado Myth #7: Microwaving avocados makes them ripen faster.

This method might make your avocado feel ripe, but don’t be fooled. Most likely, you’ll be missing the good, classic taste you’ve come to love and expect from this luscious green fruit. A ripe avocado is a goodness worth waiting for.

If you’re really in a rush, here are three ways to speed up an avocado’s ripening process without tampering with Mother Nature’s process:

  1. Toss an avocado and banana in a brown paper bag. Peek in on the avocado daily — ripening could happen overnight, depending on the avocado.
  2. Submerge an avocado in a bowl of uncooked rice. Check the avocado daily; this process takes a few days.
  3. Place the avocado in direct sunlight.

Avocado Myth #8: Avocados are only good in guacamole.

Look, guacamole is great. But, umm, have you heard of avocado toast? Or avocado on a burger? Or in a salad? The list goes on and on. Fact is, avocado is always good.

Check out our recipe page where you’ll find avocado goodness in dishes ranging from delectable dips to savory entrees, each one as good as the last.


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