Hi, I'm Jax, the Guacamole Expert. Welcome to your home for all-things guacamole. Here, you'll find your Guac 101. I've answered common questions by category, and made it easy to share with your friends. They'll be impressed with your new-found guac knowledge.



Guacamole has a rich history. While you can find guacamole recipes inspired by flavors all over the world, the original guacamole was made in Mexico by the Aztecs (rumor has it that guac was Montezuma’s favorite snack). Spanish conquistadors brought recipes to Europe in the 16th century, and before long, guacamole was making its way all around the globe. Today, guacamole is being whipped up worldwide with more imagination and variety than ever — and I say, keep it up!

Here are some great guac recipes I think you'll like: © 2025 All rights reserved.

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