How To

Avo Art

Avocados are an incredibly versatile fruit, as any true avo lover knows. They’re at home in savory dishes like guacamole and salads, but just as comfortable in a sweet paleta (popsicle) or chocolate cake.

But did you know that you can make art with avocados, too? Professional and amateur artists around the world have been experimenting with using avocados for art. Their work ranges from simple pieces, like these avocado toasts with cutouts, or incredibly intricate, like this beautifully carved avo. You can paint with smashed avocado (make funny faces or shapes on a plate using a spoon as your paint brush) to impress your kids, or just decorate creatively using colorful edible flowers, herbs, and spices.

Feeling inspired? All you need is a little creativity, patience, and a few pro tips to start creating your own avocado works of art.

Pro tip #1:

If you want to use the fruit, the trick is finding a slightly ripe avocado that’s still a bit firm. Too ripe and it won’t cut cleanly. Too hard and it won’t cut easily or come out of the skin.

This video is a helpful guide to finding a ripe avocado, one that isn’t too green and yields to gentle pressure. If you can only find hard avocados, this video shows you how to speed up the ripening process by placing them near a sunny window.

An easy avocado art project to get your feet wet is the avocado rose, which is a thinly sliced avocado half that’s been fanned out and curled into a rose. In order to pull it all together for floral perfection, you’ll need…

Pro tip #2:

Oil the cutting board and the knife to prevent any slices from sticking. Avocado roses can gussy up a plate of eggs, perfectly accent a salad, or bring a pop of color to enchiladas. And if at first you don’t succeed, take heart in knowing that you are not alone: Avocados are delicate, and plenty of people struggle making roses!

Another easy avocado art project is a pixelated avocado. Just cut thin slices vertically across a peeled avocado half, then do the same thing horizontally. The center will collapse a bit, but that just adds dimension to the pixelated look.

Pro-tip #3:

Don’t let your beautiful art fade! Once avocados are cut, they start to oxidize and change from a lovely pale green shade to a less-appealing brown. To prevent browning — or at least slow it down — douse them liberally with lemon or lime juice to protect their color and give them a pop of flavor.

You can cut avocados with anything that can score its soft flesh. Use cookie cutters to up your avocado toast game, a small melon baller to create a Swiss cheese effect, or a vegetable peeler to shave avocado slices and roll them into curls. If sculpting is your secret hobby, grab a scalpel and carve your favorite pattern into an avocado half, like this avo or this one.

Have fun, get creative, and make your own avocado art today!

By Avocados From Mexico September 18, 2017

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