Beauty Care

Avo-Infused Oils for Winter Nail Care

Winter is harsh on the skin. Blustery cold and dry heated homes can lead to brittle nails and cracked, parched skin on your hands and feet. Wrapped up in gloves or shoved into boots, your fingers and toes deserve a little extra care in the dark months of the year.

Creating Your Own Oil Blend

Avocado oil can make a fine nail moisturizer all on its own, but you can also mix in other oils, such as jojoba or Vitamin E, to get a nice texture and absorption for your skin type. Any seed oil will do for this nail moisturizer recipe. If you prefer a cuticle cream to a cuticle oil, add more solid substances in your mix, like cocoa butter and beeswax.

If the skin on your fingers tends to crack in the winter, you might want to avoid adding any kind of essential oil to the blend. And if you are only battling a bit of dryness, a few drops of lavender can be very soothing.

Winter Nail Care To-Go

Add your avo-infused oil blend to a roller ball bottle, a small dropper bottle, or even an empty, clean nail polish bottle. Consider using dark glass, especially if you have added essential oils, which can speed up oxidation and cause the oil to thicken over time.

Once your blend is prepared, keep it on hand to use as a on-the-go winter nail care moisturizer. The benefits of cuticle oils aren’t just thanks to the moisturizing protection provided, but also to the massage required to apply them. Put only a small drop of oil on each finger or toenail, rubbing gently into the cuticles in small circles. This stimulates blood flow to the area, which is especially helpful in the winter when colder weather slows blood flow to your extremities.

Once your nail beds are all sufficiently moisturized, pop your socks and gloves back on to keep them warm, helping maintain their moisture as much as possible in the drying wind, snow, and cold. At home, you can wear your socks and gloves to bed, or invest in a humidifier to help keep your skin from drying out overnight.

By Avocados From Mexico November 28, 2018

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