Beauty Care

Avo-Inspired Eye Makeup

You already use avocados to make your skin moisturized and your hair soft. Now it’s time to take your beauty routine to the next level by trying your hand at DIY avo-inspired eye makeup. It’s a tough look to master, but by following these tips, you’ll have a creative, conversation-starting look in no time!

Step 1: Prime and define

Start by covering your eyelids with a shadow primer or a nude shade. Define the edges of the eye with a contrasting color—for a vibrant avocado green, a dark avocado-skin purple is just perfect. For an edgy look, use a pencil or a very thin brush to apply purple liner directly to the crease toward the edge of the eye, connecting it to the liner in a small wing.

Use the same purple shadow or a dark green color to fill in the outer corner. For a softer look, use a round brush to apply purple shadow to the outer lid and the edge of the eye, sweeping it into the crease.

Step 2: Fill it in

Use a medium shade of green to fill in the middle of the lid, blending to create a soft gradient from one side of the eye to the other.

Step 3: Lighten it up

Using the lightest shade of green, color the inner edge of the eye, and add a bit of shimmer to your lower lid. Apply the gradient to the lower lid as well, using the darker green and purple color to complete the outer corner. For even more pop, add a dab of yellow or gold shadow to the center of the lid and blend well with the medium green.

Step 4. Apply the finishing touches

Top everything off with two coats of black mascara. Pair with a shimmery lip color and your best avocado accessories for a perfect look for your next potluck party. Bring an avocado appetizer to match your outfit!

If you’re going for a classic guac, learn how lemon juice can help it keep a bit longer, so you aren’t busy whipping up the dip while you should be perfecting your look! And if you’re instead adding diced avocado to your salad or side, here’s what you need to know about slicing them right. Check out the Avocados From Mexico page for even more helpful how-to videos.

By Avocados From Mexico October 11, 2017

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