How To

How to Make Avocado Lip Balm

Summer is winding down, which means colder weather is on the way. And you know what that means: dry skin and chapped lips. Luckily, Avocados From Mexico — and the avocado oil made from them — are available all year long. Not only can you have delicious guac any season, but you can also whip up an avocado lip balm at home with nutritious, moisturizing avocado oil as your base.

Not sure how to find those creamy Avocados From Mexico? Watch this video from our “how-to” avocado tips page for all the details: Just look for the bumpy, dark exterior that holds the delicious flesh of the Hass avocado. And if you don’t have time to run to the grocery store every couple of days for a fresh one, don’t fret. Try picking avocados at varying stages of ripeness — from green and firm to dark and soft — to shorten the amount of grocery store trips.

Pick up a bottle of avocado oil on your next trip, too. It’s great on salads and for cooking, but it really shines in this DIY avocado lip balm. This recipe will make a soft lip balm ideal for pouring into small pots. Use harder fats for a firmer lip balm, and add extra beeswax for a matte finish. You can reuse old lip balm containers and pots (be sure to wash them out first!), or you can buy new containers online or from your local craft supplier.

Homemade Avocado Lip Balm Ingredients

  • 1 oz. beeswax finely chopped or grated
  • 1/8 c. of brittle fat (such as cocoa butter or palm kernel oil)
  • 1/8 c. solid fat (such as mango, coconut, or shea butter)
  • 1/4 c. of avocado oil
  • Vitamine E (if desired)
  • Flavored oil (to taste)
  • Liquid stevia, or honey (to taste)


  1. Start the water of a double boiler on the stove.
  2. In the top of the double boiler, mix together all ingredients.
  3. Melt the ingredients over the boiling water.
  4. When the ingredients are mixed and melted, use a turkey baster or heat-proof measuring cup to pour the balm into tubes or pots for storage.
  5. Allow the balm to cool completely before using.

Your avocado lip balm will keep best in the fridge or a cool cellar, especially if the heat in your home tends to fluctuate. If it softens and separates, just heat and pour all over again. Soon, you’ll be enjoying the benefits of homemade lip balm all winter long!

Find more avocado beauty care tips here.

By Avocados From Mexico August 12, 2017

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