Unsaturated fats are good fats, versus saturated fats and trans fats, which are also known as bad fats. Both monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat, which are types of unsaturated fats, are considered good fats.
Fact is, not all fats are created equal - there are good fats
and bad fats. And when we say Avocados From Mexico are
always good, we're talking about the good fats and good
taste. The type and amount of fat you eat is key to a healthy
diet. So it's a good thing avocados contain the good stuff!
Avocados From Mexico are certified as heart-healthy by the American Heart Association.
Certification does not apply to other scientific statements, information reached through links,
or suggest uses/recipes unless expressly stated.
Fresh avocados are a heart-healthy fruit. They provide naturally good fats and are cholesterol-, sugar-, and sodium-free.
Avocados are essentially the only fruit with good fats, which offer benefits in the body without raising LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.
Avocados count toward fruit and vegetable intake and provide several under-consumed nutrients, while the good fats can lower your risk of heart disease and stroke.
One-third of a medium avocado, which is a 50g serving, contains 6g of naturally good fat. This
6g of good fat is made up of 5g of monounsaturated fat and 1g of polyunsaturated fat. Here's
what monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat can do for you:
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats or "good fats" can help improve intake of
dietary fat without raising LDL or "bad" cholesterol levels. The American Heart Association
and The Dietary Guideline for Americans recommend replacing bad fats with these
good fats. They say that replacing your intake of saturated fat with unsaturated fat is
associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease events.
Here are some other reasons why you need to eat fat as part of a healthy, balanced diet:
Dietary fat helps the body absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K. These vitamins are fat soluble, which
means they can only be absorbed by the body with the help of fats.
Per one-third of a medium avocado (50grams), avocados contribute 6 grams of unsaturated fats,
which are known to be essential for normal growth and development of the central nervous
system and brain.
When it comes to eating fat, remember that the body needs some fat to function but
you should consume it in moderation. Aim to replace bad fats,
like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat.
While many factors affect heart disease, eating fruits and vegetables such as avocados,
as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart
disease. Since avocados are heart-healthy fruits and virtually the only fruit with
monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat, try to consume more as part of a
healthy, balanced diet. The unsaturated fat in avocados can act as a nutrient booster as
they help the body to absorb fat-soluble nutrients like vitamins A, D, K and E. They have
80 calories per 50g serving of a medium avocado and the fiber they contain will even
help keep hunger at bay. Avocados have 11 percent of your daily value per serving.
Try incorporating avocados in your diet by making a delicious guacamole, dicing them in a
salad, sandwich, or blending them in a smoothie. Take a look at our recipes to find out more.
Unsaturated fats are good fats, versus saturated fats and trans fats, which are also known as bad fats. Both monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat, which are types of unsaturated fats, are considered good fats.
One-third of a medium avocado of 80 grams contributes 8 grams of total fat with 1g polyunsaturated and 5g monounsaturated fats.
Avocados contribute both saturated and unsaturated fat; however, more than 75% of the fat in an avocado is good fat, or unsaturated fat. The unsaturated fat in an avocado is made up of monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat, both types of good fat. If you are looking for ways to incorporate more good fats, avocados can be a great addition to your diet.
No, saturated fat is not considered a good fat. Diets high in saturated fat are associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is a cause of heart attack and stroke.
2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend replacing saturated fat in the diet with unsaturated fat to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. You can do this by eating foods like avocados that contribute good fats and still satisfy your tongue's desire for something creamy and rich tasting.
Trans fats are a third kind of dietary fat, in addition to saturated and unsaturated fats, discussed above. Trans fats occur naturally in small amounts in some food products derived from animals.
Trans fats are also formed during some food manufacturing processes, when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil. This makes the liquid fat into a solid form, in what is known as hydrogenation. You may see trans fats listed as "partially hydrogenated oil" or "PHO" on food labels.
As you can imagine, solid fat can be more convenient for commercial food storage and transport. But that convenience comes at a price because trans fats elevate the level of LDL or bad cholesterol in your blood. High LDL cholesterol levels are linked to the development of heart disease. According to the CDC, heart disease remains the number one cause of death in American men and women.
Monounsaturated fat is one type of unsaturated fat. Technically, it is defined as a fat molecule that has one unsaturated carbon bond, also known as a double bond.
Unsaturated fats are good fats that can be included in your diet in reasonable amounts. Monounsaturated fat is found in avocados, as well as in olive oil and many nuts and seeds.
Fats are found in many different types of foods, but all fats are not the same. It is the specific type of fat that determines whether or not it is healthy. A moderate amount of good fat in your diet can be beneficial for your body. However, eating too much bad fat can put you at greater risk of cardiovascular disease, like heart attack and stroke.
Good fats are found in foods like avocados, salmon and some other fish, many nuts and seeds, and some oils like olive, sesame, grapeseed, and sunflower.
Saturated or bad fats are best eaten in very limited quantities. Saturated fats can be found primarily in animal products. Some baked goods and fried foods can also contain saturated fats, as can palm oil, palm kernel oil, and coconut oil.
Trans fats, which are the least healthy of all fats, are found mostly in foods that contain partially hydrogenated oils, commonly abbreviated PHO, as a result of how these foods were manufactured. You can find "partially hydrogenated oil" or "PHO" listed on the label for foods that contain trans fats, but trans fats may also be present in baked goods and fried foods that come without nutritional labels.
Both saturated and trans fats can raise your LDL or bad cholesterol. The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends shifting to reduce saturated fat intake to less than 10 percent of calories per day.
Good fats help to absorb nutrients from foods that are eaten with them. Some good fats, like polyunsaturated fats, also contribute Vitamin E, an antioxidant that further helps develop and maintain your body's cells. Good fats can also substitute for bad fats in your diet, thereby allowing you to shift to unsaturated fat sources that benefit your body, especially your cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels). 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend switching from bad (saturated) fats to good (unsaturated fats) as your primary fat source in your food.